Trust, hard to earn, easy to lose. Trust, or “Vishwas” in Hindi, is a very simple word with a simple meaning, but it plays a very important role in a person’s life. Without trust, a person can’t do anything for anyone or even can’t make anyone work for themselves. Trust is the necessary thing before anything which is demanded from everyone in any field or part of life, upon anything they work on for greater productivity and profitability. It’s hard to earn trust but, it’s easy to loose it! Just a simple mistake, a simple wrong deed and boom, trust is broken. Trust Quotes
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As correctly said by Rahim Ji, don’t ever break anyone’s trust, if it gets broken, then even after getting it fixed, it never gets the same.
You can learn about trust by reading trust issues quotes.
Some of the Trust Issues Quotes are :
“Don’t trust the person who has broken faith once”
– William Shakespeare
“Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair”
“Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it’s broken, but you can still see the crack in that mother f*cker’s reflection”
– Lady Gaga

Some of the trust no one quotes are :
“It was a mistake,” you said. But the cruel thing was, it felt like the mistake was mine, for trusting you.
– David Levithan
“Trust is built when someone is vulnerable and not taken advantage of”
– Bob Vanourek
Trust Quotes when gets written over some pictures with same or relatable meanings, those can be termed as Trust Images or Trust Pictures, which you frequently see on social media or on the internet easily.
When you get to learn about trust, it’s good if you know about Broken Trust issues too, as correctly said, it’s better to know the mistakes so that you never do them or repeat them!
Some of the broken trust quotes are :
- “I may have trust issues, but some people seem to have an issue with the responsibility of being trusted.”
- “Betrayal annihilates trust. The more trust there is, to begin with, and the more deception is involved, the more damage is done.”
- “When trauma involves intentional harm, such as in a crime or abuse, trust can totally collapse.”
- “Mother, if you love her-
Mother, if you love her, keep her clean.
Mother, if you love her, keep her”
These broken trust quotes may help you to get better insights on trust issues faced by people commonly.
Some of the Trust the process quotes are :
- “Trust the process. Your time is coming. Just do the work and the results will handle themselves.” – Tony Gaskins
- “Trust the process. Your hard work will pay off. Keep going, even when it gets tough.” – Unknown
- “Trust the process. The journey may be long and difficult, but the destination will be worth it.” – Unknown
- “Trust the process. Success is not an overnight phenomenon, it’s a result of consistent effort over time.” – Unknown
- “Trust the process. Even if you don’t know where you’re headed, keep moving forward and have faith that it will all make sense in the end.” – Unknown

Some of the never trust anyone quotes are :
- “Never trust anyone completely but God. Love people, but put your full trust only in God.” – Lawrence Welk
- “Never trust anyone who lies to you. Never lie to anyone who trusts you.” – Mandy Hale
- “Never trust anyone who says trust me.” – Douglas Adams
- “Never trust anyone who wants what you’ve got. Friend or no, envy is an overwhelming emotion.” – Eubie Blake
- “Never trust anyone who wants to change you.” – Unknown
Some of the Trust Quotes for relationships are :
- “Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” – Stephen Covey
- “Without trust, there can be no genuine connection or intimacy in a relationship.” – Brene Brown
- “Trust is earned, respect is given, and loyalty is demonstrated. Betrayal of any one of those is to lose all three.” – Ziad K. Abdelnour
- “Trust is the highest form of human motivation. It brings out the very best in people.” – Stephen Covey
- “Trust is the fruit of a relationship in which you know you are loved.” – William P. Young
- “The best proof of love is trust.” – Joyce Brothers

Some of the Trust Quotes for love are :
- “Love is built on trust, and without it, there can be no real love.” – Nicholas Sparks
- “Trust is the most important part of a relationship, closely followed by communication. I think that if you have those two things, everything else falls into place – your affection, your emotional connection.” – Vanessa Lachey
- “Love cannot live where there is no trust.” – Edith Hamilton
- “Trust is the heartbeat of every true relationship.” – John C. Maxwell
- “Love is not just about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It’s not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end, and the foundation of a strong relationship is trust.” – Unknown
Some of the Some of the Trust Quotes for love are :
- “Trust is everything.”
- “Trust is the foundation of all relationships.”
- “Trust is earned, not given.”
- “Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair.”
- “Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it’s broken, but you can still see the crack in that mother f****r’s reflection.”

Some of the Broken trust quotes for relationships are :
- “Breaking someone’s trust is like crumpling up a perfect piece of paper. You can smooth it over, but it’s never going to be the same again.” – Unknown
- “Trust is like glass, once broken it will never be the same again.” – Unknown
- “It takes years to build trust, but only seconds to destroy it.” – Unknown
- “Betrayal can only happen if you love. Breaking trust only happens when you care.” – Unknown
- “The worst pain in the world goes beyond the physical. Even further beyond any other emotional pain one can feel. It is the betrayal of a friend.” – Heather Brewer

Some of the Self-trust quotes are :
- “Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.” – Benjamin Spock
- “The more you trust yourself, the less you need others to validate your existence.” – Unknown
- “When you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- “The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.” – Ernest Hemingway
- “Self-trust is the first secret of success.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Some of the trust quotes hindi are :
- “विश्वास संगठन का एक नाम है। इसके बिना, कोई भी संचार का उचित तत्व नहीं हो सकता। यह सभी रिश्तों को जारी रखने वाला मूल अवधारणा है।” – स्टीफन कोवी
- “बिना विश्वास के, किसी रिश्ते में कोई वास्तविक जुड़ाव या अंतरंगता नहीं हो सकती।” – ब्रेने ब्राउन
- “विश्वास कमाया जाता है, सम्मान दिया जाता है, और निष्ठा प्रदर्शित की जाती है। उनमें से किसी एक का धोखा खाना तीनों का नुकसान होता है।” – जियाद के. अब्देलनूर
- “विश्वास हर सफलता का सबसे ऊंचा रूप है। यह लोगों में सबसे अच्छा लाती है।” – स्टीफन कोवी
- “विश्वास उस रिश्ते के फल है, जिसमें आप जानते हैं कि आप प्यार किये जा रहे हैं।” – विलियम पी. यंग

Some of the never trust quotes are :
- “Never trust someone who lies to you. Never lie to someone who trusts you.” – Unknown
- “Never trust words, trust actions.” – Unknown
- “Never trust someone who belittles you or makes you feel small.” – Unknown
- “Never trust someone who promises you the world. They usually can’t deliver.” – Unknown
- “Never trust your fears, they don’t know your strength.” – Athena Singh
Some of the trust the process quotes are :
- “Trust the process. Your time is coming. Just do the work and the results will handle themselves.” – Tony Gaskins
- “Don’t rush the process. Good things take time.” – Unknown
- “Trust the timing of your life. Trust the journey of your life.” – Unknown
- “Trust the process. Your progress is always progress, no matter how small.” – Unknown
- “Trust the process. Everything is unfolding as it should. The Universe is always working in your favor.” – Unknown
Some of the trust god quotes are :
- “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” – Proverbs 3:5
- “Have faith in God; God has faith in you.” – Edwin Louis Cole
- “Trust God’s plan even when you don’t understand it.” – Unknown
- “When you can’t see the light, trust in God’s guidance and wait for the dawn.” – Unknown
- “God will never leave you empty. He will replace everything you lost. If He asks you to put something down, it’s because He wants you to pick up something greater.” – Unknown
Some of the don’t trust quotes are :
- “Don’t trust people whose feelings change with time. Trust people whose feelings remain the same, even when the time changes.” – Unknown
- “Don’t trust people who tell you what they think you want to hear. Trust people who tell you the truth, even when it’s hard to hear.” – Unknown
- “Don’t trust everything you see. Even salt can look like sugar.” – Unknown
- “Don’t trust someone who talks bad about others to you. They’ll do the same to you when you’re not around.” – Unknown
- “Don’t trust the person who has broken faith once.” – William Shakespeare.